Just Let Go!

by John R. Barker

As you choose to read this article, I’d like to invite you to consider the investment in the past you've made both financially and in terms of time in your personal development.

I chose to become a professional seeker. I’ve invested years and thousands of dollars into seeking out the best way to help others get everything out of life they want. I love personal development, like Ted Williams loved talking about hitting a baseball. It feeds my soul; it’s my passion.

And as such, I’ve tried every program I could get my hands on. Gleaning what worked and what didn’t including everything from Anthony Robbins to A Course in Miracles.

I set goals. I thought positive. I achieved results. And, I continued to seek. Why?

To be honest, I might still be trying to figure that question out but fortunately someone else discovered it for me.

Lester Levenson, developer of the Sedona Method, was a very successful man in material terms. And then his body broke down at the age of 42. Doctors gave him months to live if he rested in his bed.

But, Lester wasn’t ready to give up. And, so he began to look inside. How could someone so worldly successful, feel so unsuccessful, unhappy and ill?

What Lester discovered was the ultimate goal everyone seeks in life; Happiness without sorrow. Some seek it through religion. Others seek it through material gain and worldly success. And, still others seek it through their addictions or other self-defeating habits.

You see, Lester discovered the key to happiness is letting go of what we think will make us happy in order to experience the power of NOW and in so doing we are more able to create what we really want in our life.

For example, imagine how you might feel if you were going to play bigger than you have ever played before. Do you feel a little nervous? A little anxious? A little fearful of failure?

Why is that? Is it a lack of positive thinking? Do you need to read another personal development book or need more training? Probably not.

The key is the feelings you have attached to the situation. And, the more you want something, the stronger the feelings. And, sometimes maybe even often times those feelings are so strong that we do nothing. And, then we may even feel bad about ourselves for doing nothing, creating even more feelings.

Lester found the key is to be able to detach your ego and your feelings to a state of what he called “hoot-less-ness”. When you can truly walk into that situation with a feeling of peace and calm regardless of outcome, you have achieved mastery over your mind. And, you are then free to create whatever you want.

Could you achieve mastery over your mind by thinking positive? Could you achieve mastery through using a technique such as NLP? Quite possibly, but these techniques have limitations they are limited to one thought at time. And, only to those thoughts we are conscious of.

By learning to release your feelings using the Sedona Method, you will simultaneously “undo” the years of accumulated thoughts both conscious and subconscious that you associate with the feeling. Far more powerful. Far more effective.

Remember when I said Lester only had months left to live? Well, Lester went on to live another amazing 42 years! During the remainder of his life and since his work has reached thousands of people world-wide, been proven effective by a Harvard University study, endorsed by the likes of Mark Victor Hansen, Deepak Chopra, Michael Gerber and many other notables of our time.

If you are ready to stop seeking and discover the simple yet powerful secrets Lester did, then take a look at the Sedona Method. The course comes with an unconditional money back guarantee and phone support to help you achieve the biggest breakthroughs of your life whether they be lowering your stress level and improving your health, creating the relationships you’ve always dreamt of or earning whatever you want to earn.

Click HERE to order your free Introduction to the Sedona Method CD and Magazine (small s&h charge applies).

John R. Barker
Sedona Training Associates

The Sedona Method Self Improvement Course

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