Life in 6 Chapters

I walk down the street...
there is a hole in the street.
I fall into the hole... but I do not know I am in it.
Finally I see the hole and try to get out.
It takes a long time to get out of the hole.

I walk down the same street..
the hole is still there... I see the hole.
I fall into the hole again.... but I recognize where I am,
and I want to be out of the hole.
It still takes a long time to get out of the hole.

I walk down the same street...
the hole is still there... I see the hole and
still fall into the hole again... it has become familiar..
But I have learned how to get out of the hole and..
Get out of the hole much quicker.

I walk down the same street...
the hole is always going to be there in this street.
I see the hole..... and recognize it.. and think fondly of it..
but I think I don't want to be in the hole again.
But I walk directly toward the hole and fall in again.
I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street...
the hole hasn't moved... I like the looks of the hole
Yet I remember I don't want to be in the hole...
I remember the feelings in the hole.. I veer away...
I walk around the hole and continue on my way.

I go for a walk.... I walk down a different street.

-- Unknown

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